The average house price on WHITEHALL CROSS is £742,471
The most expensive house in the street is UNIT 6-7 WHITEHALL CROSS with an estimated value of £1,057,700
The cheapest house in the street is UNIT 8 WHITEHALL CROSS with an estimated value of £549,045
The house which was most recently sold was UNIT 6-7 WHITEHALL CROSS, this sold on 26 Oct 2018 for £852,000
The postcode for WHITEHALL CROSS is LS12 5XE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
UNIT 6-7 WHITEHALL CROSS £1,057,700 £852,000 26 Oct 2018
UNIT 7 WHITEHALL CROSS £620,670 £469,858 7 Dec 2016
UNIT 8 WHITEHALL CROSS £549,045 £430,000 29 Sep 2017